Cyber Threat Intelligence
Visualized and domain-specific intelligence for OEMs and automotive suppliers
Industry-specific Threat Intelligence
Our unique engine and cybersecurity analysts aggregate automotive threat intelligence and telemetric data, providing you with the facts needed for fast decision making
There are thousands of new threats and vulnerabilities every day in the automotive industry. When you use Threat Intelligence from a multi-industry cybersecurity vendor, you will need to reevaluate the severity level assigned to threats, since analysts estimate the risks as they do for all other industries, considering data security only. The automotive company requires a different approach – placing human “Safety First."
Be prepared today to avoid costly recalls
The right severity level
Our experienced automotive cybersecurity analysts investigate massive datasets from different sources around the globe, assigning the right severity level and making the intelligence valuable for automotive companies.
Rapid response
You can quickly discover disclosure of technical manuals and sensitive document leaks that could affect R&D and the aftermarket phases and also minimize the exfiltration of personally identifiable information (PII).
Ahead of the criminals
Our reports allow Auto OEMs and Suppliers to see their products' vulnerabilities and understand the future trends in automotive cybersecurity.
Choose services from a vendor with a strong focus on connected vehicle cybersecurity.
Reports are developed rapidly and closely with global insurance companies, automotive alliances (such as AUTOSAR and ASIG), and global experts assuring completeness.
From industry trends to nuances
We don't just stop with ECU vulnerabilities, exploitation tools, tactics for firmware and configuration changes, exfiltration of PII, auto industry security incidents, attack vectors, and alerts about leaks of sensitive, technical, and confidential documents. We provide much more! Once you are in, you can stay up to date with current trends or go even deeper – understanding all the nuances of vehicles and components.
Beyond severity of threats
Our ever-growing database of automotive cybersecurity knowledge provides information on the interests and motivation of individual researchers, cybercriminals, security enthusiasts, empowering you to learn to predict the trends and stay ahead of criminals.